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This is the example browser's FPS template, but I updated it to include camera mouse controls. The player object maintains the car behavior, but I've extended the functionality. Features:

  • Uses all built in C3 code
  • Two modes: Examine and Explore. Explore keeps the reticle on the center of the screen and lets you explore with the mouse. WASD work like a normal fps. I overrode the car a and d to strafe instead of steer. Examine unlocks the reticle and lets you interact with 2D GUI components. Right click to switch between modes. You can still move while in examine mode.
  • Functions and commented code


  • If the close button and open button for 2D gui components overlap each other, the game doesn't know what to do and opens and closes them in a loop. I'm not sure how to fix this and any suggestions would be great!
  • The player view is set to 40 and I'm not sure why it needs to be that high but it is.


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FPS Car and Mouse Controls.c3p 472 kB

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